Monday was the most unexpected day I have ever had. I had an 8-30 am appointment at the Bay Medical Centre, Sandown. This was to talk about my left leg problem and to check my chest, for being a little short of breath at times. Without too many personal details, within less than 45 minutes, after several tests at the centre, I was instantly taken to St Mary’s Hospital by an ambulance, where I had more tests.. The siren was blaring as it arrived at the centre but, thankfully, when we left the blue light was not flashing. After several hours and a few more testsĀ I was released. Just one or two more check ups needed but, hopefully, not of much of a problem.
Fairly quiet week after the shock of Monday. Just catching up on a few more articles for The Beacon and the County Press. Also did a podcast of a Hannam Archive with top stage and TV actor DON WARRINGTON, so well know by millions for ten series of Death in Paradise. There is a direct link from the news pages of this website to listen to it.
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