Went to the Mayflower on Tuesday night to see the latest show from two of Britain’s most famous dancers, VINCENT SIMONE AND FLAVIA CACACE. This one is called Tango Moderno. Once again, it’s supreme entertainment and so different from their three previous productions. I could have gone back to see it again the next night. It is that good. Eight superb dancers and an outstanding singer called Tom Parsons. Hannah Varnham, their lady vocalist, was also in brilliant form – and what a voice. There were so many sensational dance routines and unexpected surprises. The band were also such an asset to this show and violinist, Oliver Lewis, was a huge hit. To top it all, there are the sensational tango stars, Vincent and Flavia. They just don’t come any better. Stunning routines that create many emotions.
Went back to Southampton two nights later to see a show at the brand new NST City Theatre, which is on the site of the old Tyrell and Green store, opposite Guildhall Square. What a fantastic venue and they have a stunning production to open with, called The Shadow Factory. It’s set in Southampton during the Second World War. It’s an amazing production and stars Anita Dobson, who is brilliant, as are all the cast. I hope to see it again before it ends on March 3.
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