Had a most enjoyable day on Monday at the Newclose Cricket Ground watching the Hampshire Second XI take on their Sussex counterparts. It was day 1 of a 3 day game. There were one or two top cricketers on show, including Hampshire’s Will Smith, Tom Allsop and Brad Wheal. Sadly, not too many local cricket fans were at the game. Both sides batted and, in fact, were all out, which made it a perfect day – and the company was good. Even sold a couple of books. I still can’t believe I was there from 11-15 am to 7-45pm. Being a workaholic, it was a rare day out. Had a chat to one or two promising young Hampshire players.
Spent Tuesday night with the Seaview WI. They seemed to like my talk. I met one or two old friends and made one or two new ones. A most enjoyable evening.
On Sunday I went to the renaming of the Ventnor Cricket Club Pavilion. It is now, quite rightly, called the John Hilsom Pavilion. Large turn out for the opening by John’s widow, Margaret. Later in the afternoon I was also honoured to attend the last cricket match for the late John Batten, which was played at Rookley. It was a long established match between Godshill and a late John Batten X1. Met some old friends and made a few new ones. I played cricket with the late John Batten at Godshill for many years. With Ron Dennis, Vic Lewis and yours truly the four of us were the oldest bowling attack to ever win the village cricket league.