WC May 28.
Saw a brilliant show on Tuesday night – Wonderful Town, currently at the Mayflower, Southampton, until Saturday June 2. Well worth a visit. Connie Fisher is quite brilliant as Ruth and she sings, dances and acts with such skill, timing and confidence. The company is a very strong one and all the cast make an impact. I didn’t know the songs but this does not matter – and they all help to tell the story. My Darlin’ Eileen is a gem and Ohio and It’s Love are so good they are reprised.
Briefly met up again with a famous actor during his brief visit to the Island, on Saturday, and have arranged to visit him in London in a couple of weeks time to talk about his very successful career and some exciting new plans.
I was so surprised to see a fine young broadcaster, who began his career on my show, was in the audience. I knew some of the show tunes he worked with on my show would finally get through to him. I am committed to silence – with regard to his name!!!
One or two fascinating guests are getting near to saying yes to JH Meets.