I was checking my e-mails in the early hours of Monday, when I discovered one from Nigel J Seymour, who had been a guest on my radio show. Nigel had been listening in the Lake District to my late night, 10 til midnight, repeat of my Sunday lunchtime show, featuring him. He was very complimentary – which makes it all worthwhile.
I was so honoured to be invited to a Craig Douglas recording session. It was with one of the world’s leading record producers and the album is going to be sensational and nothing like any of his previous records. The choice of tracks is quite incredible.
I must complement Ryde School on the quality of their version of Cabaret. My Tuesday night visit was so enjoyable and I bumped into a few old friends – including Mark King and and IW Radio’s Michael Coombes.
Had a great day out in Bristol on Thursday. The prime reason to visit the busy city was to interivew Britain’s two most famous dancers – Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace. We had fun and they are such nice people and so beautifuuly fit and attractive. Success couldn’t come to two nicer people. The night before I had seen Midnight Tango for a second time. I had seen it live in Southampton but this one was live from the Bristol Hippodrome and beamed to 130 cinemas in Britian, including Newport’s Cineworld. It was an amazing expereince with all the superb close-ups of their sublime dance routines.
Got back to find a fascinating article, on yours truly, by Fleet Street journalist Peter White in the new issue of Island Life Extra.