On Monday I managed to see the inspirational First Act theatre group perform Aladdin at the Shanklin Theatre. This remarkable group consist of clients with learning difficulties. No egos in sight. They just perform to the pinacle of their capabilities, which have improved so much over the years. Plenty of leaking eyes in the audience and so much joy on stage. I covered the production for the County Press for their December 11 issue.
I managed to make it a double by talking to the delightful Bonchurch Social Club in the cosy church hall. Despite the bitterly cold weather around 40 turned up to listen to my Chatting Up The Stars talk, in aid of the St Mary’s Breast Care Nurses Unit.
Saw a brilliant production of A Christmas Carol on Tuesday night at the Nuffield Theatre, Southampton. No mega stars but a quite superb cast and there is not a weak link in the production. The show runs until January 8. I could have watched it all over again.
Heard some good news from national broadcasting legend Desmond Carrington. He wants to use more of my archive recordings, from the 70s and 80s, in a brand new Radio 2 series which starts in early 2011. There is a possiblity I might be interviewed with regard to the old recordings.
For the first time ever I had to call off an interview due to snow. I was scheduled to interview Irish singer Mary Duff in Bouremouth on Thursday. Sadly, the conditions made it impossible for me to travel. Suddenly, my library of interviews I have been building up over the past few months will keep me going if we continue to get a bad winter. My policy of doing only in-person interviews can be a problem at times but I just can’t cope with talking to stars over phone or ISDN lines. With a chat show you have to have the guest alongside you. I had planned to go to the Midlands early next week to interview a comedy legend. We have now put this off until the Spring. The wait will be worth it.