Week Comm March 30
An amazing start to the week with 300 new hits on the website in just three days. Where have you all come from? The response to several interview requests has been quite slow. One or two seem certain but nothing has been confirmed at this stage. Went to the Nuffield Theatre, Southampton, on Tuesday lunchtime to see a new touring production of Alice In Wonderland. Not as good as the one I saw at the Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, just before Christmas.
I have been reviewing shows for 34 years and this week only for the third time ever, I decided to leave a show during the interval. If I feel uncomfortable or embarrassed by a production I will leave. Sadly, this one was on the Island. The following night, for the second time in a week, I was fortunate to witness a brilliant performance from a young Island actor. How could he remember two such huge scripts?
On Friday morning I took an 8am phone call – and I was delighted. It was the world champion TV game show host agreeing to appear on my radio show.
On Good Friday night it was a pleasure, as always, to present the Island C.A.M.R.A. Pub and Beer of the Year Awards at the Yarbridge Inn, Brading. It’s always great to see the local members enjoying their favourite Island real ale brews – and toast their success with my J2O orange and passion fruit. The results are always heard first live on my radio show.
I interviewed Tom O’Connor at Warner’s Norton Grange, Yarmouth on Saturday night. We go back a long way. He chatted about winning the recent Celebrity Come Dine With Me, watched by six million, and his career and the changing face of comedy. Saw him storm a capacity audience for an hour and 15 minutes with not one rude joke, four letter word or swearing. There must be a moral there somewhere!