We have managed to place a few of my new DVDs around the Island. They are limited edition copies and can be purchased at Farnsworth’s, Nodehill, Newport, Lake Garden Centre, Glyn Morgan’s, Shanklin and Godshill Old Smithy. I also have copies available and will deliver them. Just email me via this website.
So pleased to still be doing my sporting archives for the County Press. My most recent features have been on Graham Daish, Tony Grimwade and Adam Dominey. There will be a break over Christmas and they will be back in the New Year.
Also thrilled to be writing the occasional Wight Memories for the County Press. My two recent features have been on Wally Malston and Sheila Hancock. They have two more on file.
So sad to hear of the death of Barbara Windsor. I was delighted to interview her here on the Island back in 1988 – and she was a nice as I expected. Some of my memories of her are on the website of The Beacon magazine. The County Press have also me to write one for them,
I have just completed my first talk on Zoom. It was for the Island prostate cancer support group and I was surprised people were also watching and listening from around Britain. I found it so different to my normal in-person talks and took a while to really get into it. Now I haveĀ been asked to do another for a Yarmouth group in January.
I love my live talks and have had 11 cancelled this year for obvious reasons.
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