Another disappointing week for interviews. After being thrilled by two new ones, inside a week, the trail has gone cold again. I had hoped for an interview with Darren Day, one of my favourite performers, but it just never happened. With agents offices closed it’s so hard to make contact for interview requests. I did have a back way in but it never materialised.
I am chasing two more and I know them both well, so it could happen quite quickly. I do have personal contact details.
With Jon Moreno, the County Press sports editor, on leave there will be a two week gap with regard to my regular sporting archives feature. Thankfully, one or two ladies will be featured in coming weeks, including two I have never met before who both have interesting stories.
So sad to hear about the death of Wayne Fontana, (pictured) the former pop star. I interviewed him several times over the years and it was always such fun. So glad I wrote a chapter on him in my book of Pop Stars of the 50s, 60s and 70s. There are still a few of these available. Send me an email via this website if you are interested in purchasing one of the last books left.
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