At long last I have got down to spring cleaning my office. It has to be done in stages. It’s looking better already. I have been known to hoard things.
It’s a good week for feedback. Had lots of favourable comments on twitter re my many podcasts that are online. Makes it all worth while. Marty Wilde has had some nice comments about our interview that was televised again on Tuesday. He was so good and sang such an emotional song he’s written about Eddie Cochran. Talking Pictures did such a brilliant job with the interview that was a filmed live stage conversation at their 2019 Film Festival in St Albans. Marty is pictured singing the song during our interview.
Delighted to continue writing sporting archives for the County Press. This week it is the late Dave Porter.
I woke up on Sunday morning and wondered who could be my next Hannam Archive, while the current lockdown is still on. Will I ever do another face to face interview? I certainly hope so. I suddenly had an inspiration after seeing Anna Massey in a recent Inspector Morse. That should be online in a few days time. It was recorded at an Salisbury hotel in 2006.
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