Busy looking through archive of interviews to keep my weekly podcasts going. With 5000 interviews during my career I have plenty of choices.
I love getting feedback. With my podcasts going worldwide it’s nice to hear from listeners around the world. I had a nice email from Sam Bessant in Bristol this week to find out more about my 1980 interview with Donald Pleasence. He is hoping to write a book on the legendary actor.
Been working on a feature on Roy Shiner (pictured) for the County Press. Roy signed for Hull City at the age of 27 and three years later he moved to Sheffield Wednesday where he enjoyed a remarkable career.
I still love watching Dad’s Army. I have been putting together a podcast of an interview I did in 1993 with Bill Pertwee, who played Air Raid Warden Hodges in the series, for a Hannam Archive. There is also a short guest appearance from Ian Lavender, who played Pike.
I found the Friday night VE Day special on BBC 1 very emotional. It was live and superbly put together with inserts and some wonderful moments when famous stars video phoned our brave veterans. I felt flattered to have interviewed some who were a part of it, including Helen George, Emma Barton, Shane Richie and David Dimbleby.
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