Look out for a new Hannam Archive online soon featuring two great actors GARETH HUNT (pictured) and GEORGE SEWELL. I met them both on Bournemouth Pier in 2004.
Currently I’m writing a series of sport articles for the County Press. Two of these, Carl Prean and Darren Mew, are now online. There are links to view them from the news page of this website.
It’s nice to keep in touch with both local and famous friends during this lockdown. Great to know Crossroad’s Adam Chance is alive and well and living in Brighton. In other words, the very likable Tony Adams. I managed to have another quick chat with him. I also keep in regular contact with my good friends Craig Douglas and Marty Wilde.
My County Press sports feature on Eddie Walder is now also available to read online. There is a direct link from the news page of this website.
I am finding some great old stories from past days on the Island’s entertainment scene. Hopefully, one or two of these will be published in the County Press.
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