There is always a lot of fun when former Island footballers and cricketers get together. I love catching up with a guy called Vernon Burt – ‘Burt Vernon’ to his old cricket pals. He suddenly produced a CD he’s made for charity called Broken By Love, which he also wrote. We put it on in the car and were quite stunned – we loved it. The proceeds from the sale of the £5 CD are going to the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. It is available at the Lugley Street shop for the IW Hospice. If you see Vernon in the street he’ll try and sell you one. Good luck to him. He’s done such a lot for local charities during his life. Don’t be frightened his photo is also on the blog!!
Went to the funeral of Mike Santer on Tuesday. Mike was such a lovely guy and was associated with so many local amateur theatre groups. It was a colourful funeral, as requested by his wife Liz, also well known as a local wardrobe mistress. It was such an unlifting occasion and he was given a wonderful send off. It was a full house, too. You could have signed a wonderful cast from those who attended. Sue Edwards, who took the service, did a brilliant job and everyone joined in when Bob and Bertie Everson burst into You’re The Cream In My Coffee, which was the last show Mike ever appeared in. Mike had never acted in his life until a few years ago and he surprised everyone. I had to smile about two hours before the funeral. I rang Raymond Allen, the creator of Some Mothers Do ‘Av ‘Em, to confirm it was coloured clothes. He confirmed it was and added “perhaps don’t come as a clown though.”
We had a lovely trip on to Chesham on Thursday to catch up with Sean’s and Susie’s lovely twin boys, Ronnie and Roddy. We had some great fun and they are so entertaining. They were even smiling at grandad.
Had a surprise on Friday when I was told an interview I did on stage with Craig Douglas last March at the Renown Pictures Film Festival in St Albans, was filmed and is on the Talking Pictures channel this coming Thursday,September 5, at 10-25am. This is channel 81 on Freeview and 328 on Sky.
Ended the week by seeing Ventnor lose the last match of their Southern League cricket season. Sadly, they lost every match this season. Things can only get better. Love the company and the banter from their faithful supporters.
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