Another head down week with regard to my new book. The first three days were spent in writing chapters and sourcing photographs. The latter is causing me the greatest problem. By Wednesday I had completed 94 of my 100 chapters.
Went to the Apollo, Newport, on Thursday night to see the opening night of Red Tie’s Goodnight Mr Tom. It took a while to really get into gear but by the second half it was so much more enjoyable. It is difficult to present this brilliant story on a small stage.
Luca Franklin Aminu was so good as William Beech and he just got better and better. There were some wonderfully emotional scenes between him and Rod Jones, as Tom Oakley. Helen Reading gave an “Oscar winning” performance as as Sammy the Dog’s puppeteer!
Helen Clinton-Pacey is always an asset to any production. As Glad, only a small part, she made quite an impact.
A most enjoyable evening.
Thrilled to hear that one of my favourite actors of the last 30 years has agreed to see me in London next week. She’s got Isle of Wight connections, to. Can barely wait.
Finished the week with a Saturday visit to one of my favourite cities, Bath. This time to interview one of the hottest young stars in the world of stage musicals and plays – CHARLIE STEMP. He’s going to be a huge star. Such a nice young man, too. It was a pleasure to chat to him. Listen out for him soon on John Hannam Meets
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