What a fantastic start to the start of the week. Monday was one of my favourite days ever. I finally managed to interview the wonderful Rita Tushingham. I went to London to meet her and we did an ‘at home’ interview. Such a delightful lady and a day to cherish. She can be heard soon on John Hannam Meets and may pop up somewhere else.
On Tuesday I had a nice lunch with Dominic Green, a former colleague on Isle of Wight Radio. He is now in the police force. Nice talking about the old days. Dom is a really nice young man and a great broadcaster and I hope one day he might go back to the airwaves. His father, Clive, is featured in my new book, The John Hannam Interviews – The Wight Connections. He has a quite remarkable story.
On Thursday it was a day for meeting some real good friends – and I love doing just that. We went to see Julie Clifton, who raised so much money for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. She always makes me laugh and is also in my new book. Popped in to see the amazing Eddie Minghella, who is well into his 90s and is still really switched on. His fascinating story is also in my new book. He’s one of the nicest people I have ever met. Ended up at the home of notorious former Island footballer Brian Morey and his lovely wife Sue. It was a day to cherish. We went to Appley Manor for lunch and met a few more old friends from my days as a salesman for United Biscuits.
Life is busy with four major interviews over the next week.
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