I was so lucky to have had a quiet week with no shows or interviews, which was very rare. The weather might have made it rather impossible. I had various articles to write at home and also to contact a few famous people to try and arrange interviews. I also put the final touches to my book. Everything has now gone to my son, Sean, for his subbing. Then it comes back for me to send to my brilliant book designer Mike Lambert. This one has 34 more chapters than the first two in this trilogy of The John Hannam Interviews books.
It was great to meet up with an old friend, Jill Taft, who spent a few days in Shanklin, on a coach trip from the Midlands.
I was so saddened by the news on Friday of the death of my long-term friend Wilf Pine. We were from different worlds but had such a strong bond between us. I have such happy memories of the times we met up and the fact I managed to get him and Elkie Brooks to meet up. How eventful that turned out.
On Sunday I was again shocked with the news of the death of Sir Roger Bannister. I still run twice a week and I owe my love of running to him. He was my inspiration. I became a miler because of him. What a thrill it was in 2003, when I went to his Oxford home.
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