Wednesday was such an unexpected success at Newport’s Quay Arts Centre. Ticket sales for An Evening With Crisco started off slowly but almost 100 turned up and made it not far off a full house. The audience loved it and the feed back has been so good. Chris Cox met so many old friends who turned and others came up because he’s become a legend in Island entertainment circles. Chris did his act in the first half and then I talked to him in the second – which was full of surprises.
On Friday night we went to the press night of Hetty Feather, the Christmas and New Year production at the Nuffield, Southampton. It is such a good show for children and there was a great audience response. Phoebe Thomas, best known as Maria Kendall in Holby City, did a brilliant job in the title role. She was perfect for playing Hetty, Excellent supporting cast.
What a difference a day makes! The following morning I headed for London to see The Exorcist at the Phoenix Theatre, London. I had been warned it would not be my sort of show – but those predictions proved wrong. I did enjoy the show and did not have a nightmare during the following night. The cricket news from Australia was more of a nightmare. The show was brilliantly staged and there were a few frightening moments but that was to be expected. There were several outstanding acting performances and I was thrilled to interview one of the show’s top stars, Jenny Seagrove, after the 4pm matinee. I was also so pleased when another star from the show, Peter Bowles, popped in to see Jenny, just before we started our interview. It was great to shake his hand and thank him for some of the great performances we have seen from him, during his long career. Clare Louise Connolly was sensational as Regan.
The week ended with my Sunday book signing at Ryde’s Busy Bee centre. Met some old friends. Quite a few who were regular listeners to John Hannam Meets and some I’d written about many years ago in the Weekly Post. Going back next Sunday for my second signing session.