I have taken the chance, during an unusually quiet week to start work on my third book, which will complete the trilogy. I have just done 14 of the 100 chapters. This is due out in October 2018. I am really enjoying putting this together. My second book, The John Hannam Showbiz Interviews, has been printed and will be available in October.
As ever, I was dragged to the Calbourne Antique Fair on Monday. I did enjoy it but couldn’t quite work it out. It was such a beautiful day but less stalls on view. Usually it rains but there were less this time than some of the days the weather threatened. Bought a nice book on the Ventnor West Railway Line. Brought back happy childhood memories.
Delighted to be asked, for the second time, to host the Island’s Age UK Awards Night in October, at the Lakeside Hotel, Wootton.