I spent several hours over the weekend putting together my programme to celebrate the life of BRUCE FORSYTH. This is now online, worldwide.
Went to the Mayflower on Tuesday night with a blonde, which was a great surprise to me!! Dreamboats and Petticoats is never going to rival legendary musicals but is not meant to. It’s pure escapism and a chance to hear so many songs from the late 50s and early 60s. Apparently, it was one of the greatest nights in their current British tour. The audience loved it. There is so much to enjoy and the singing is one of the great strengths of this most enjoyable production. The enthusiasm of this young company, augmented by two very capable seasoned professionals, Jimmy Johnston and Mike Lloyd, make this production a great tonic. The on-stage musicians, add so much to the visual excitement of this show. You could sense the buzz of satisfaction and pleasure as the audience left the theatre. I could go again. Many favourable comments were also heard about the colourful costumes of the period. I loved the music of the era this show vividly brings to life. In between the initial burst of wild rock ‘n’ roll and the arrival of the Beatles and co there were so many catchy pop songs that have lived on. Many are in Dreamboats and Petticoats. There were outstanding performances from the principals and there is so much very clever humour that brilliantly recaptures that period.