Went to Shanklin Theatre on Tuesday night to see the Pepperpot Players production of You’re Only Young Twice. In the past I had seen two professional tours of the comedy. The first starred Brian Murphy and the second Melvyn Hayes. The local amateur group can be proud of their performance of the play. It was a most enjoyable evening. I went with my friends, the newly weds Ray and Nancy Allen. Ray, of course, wrote Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em.
I went to Rickmansworth on Wednesday to catch up with my son, Sean. Being the editor of the ERT trade magazine, he has sub-edited the 86 chapters of my new book, out in October. It has now gone to a very talented guy, Mike Lambert, who takes everything, like the text, photographs, introductions and the Jimmy Tarbuck foreword and makes it into a book.
I interviewed Jimmy Cricket on Saturday night at the Shanklin Conservative Club. It was great to catch up with him and his lovely wife May. We had a meal together, thanks to the generosity of the Shanklin club, and then I went back to see his show later in the day. Raymond Allen, with his new wife, Nancy, and Melvyn Hayes and his wife, Jayne, were also there. It was so refreshing to see a comedian and not hear a swear word, blue joke or anthing rude in an hour-lomng spot. So many people remarked on that fact.
I went to talk at Warner’s, Bembridge Coast on Sunday afternoon. Not the biggest success I have ever had but I sold a few books and made a very important contact, who just happened to be on the Island visiting friends.