WC April 24
Great to hear from Jimmy Tarbuck and to receive his foreword to my next book which is due out in October. It is completed and I am so pleased with it. Now just got to hope the readers will like it.
I went to the Nuffield Theatre on Thursday to interview NATALIE GAVIN, who’s appeared in hit series like Prisoner’s Wives, The Syndicate and Jericho. Currently she’s one of the stars in their brilliant modern production of Pygmalion. What a lovely lady and so superb in the show, as Eliza Doolittle.
On Saturday I popped over to the Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, to interview the American-born comedian REGINALD D HUNTER, who is heading for Shanklin Theatre on Wednesday May 10. I did not know what to expect but he gave we a super interview and I know he enjoyed it – I certainly did. It’s always such a thrill to go back to the Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, which is where I saw my first professional shows back in the 50s. I used to wait at the stage door to collect autographs and photographs. Looking forward to seeing Reginald at Shanklin.