A busy week is in prospect. On Monday I interviewed a guy called Tony Wheatley who has spent much of his life in the record industry. A fascinating story which involves many huge pop stars. Listen out for him soon on John Hannam Meets.
On Tuesday I managed to let another birthday slip by without too much fuss, Ssh!!
Had a great trip to Oxford on Wednesday night to interview my old friend DAVE WILLETTS and RACHAEL WOODING, from Britain’s Got Talent and huge West End shows, who are currently appearing in the first British tour of Wonderland. Looking forward to seeing the show at the Mayflower from April 18 to 22.
Went to see Tony Christie at Shanklin Theatre on Friday night. Tony was in great form and sang a clever mix of songs. His only previous visit to the Isle of Wight was in 1981, at Warner’s, Puckpool. I was lucky enough to be at that one. The only criticism I heard was that the band drowned him out on several key songs. It was only when he sang wonderful versions of Mr Bojangles and Solitaire that his voice could be clearly heard. The band were fantastic but just too loud on some songs. It seemed like a contest at times – and the band won.