Promoting my new book has been a high priority and there has been some exciting news. Leo’s Den Music, who run a special website to sell primarily Cliff Richard and The Shadows memorabilia, have taken 25 copies of my book as a trial. There is quite an interest on the mainland and quite a few copies are being bought online.
On Wednesday I was invited to give a short talk and take some books to the special Island group who comprise of ladies who have suffered from breast cancer. I like to help them in memory of my late wife Heather. It was a successful visit.
I have also now written eight chapters of my follow-up book which is due to be published next October. I also have another idea for the following year to complete a trilogy of The John Hannam Interviews.
On Saturday I was delighted to be interviewed by Steve Redgrave of Radio Humberside. It was such a pleasure and it was quite an in-depth interview. Also on Saturday I was flattered to have a two page spread in the weekend supplement, called Seven Days, of the Southampton Echo.Lorelei Reddin did a super job and there were some great photos.
The week ended with a successful book signing session at the Busy Bee Garden Centre, Ryde. I hope to go back for another on Saturday December 17.