What a start to the week. We enjoyed the brilliant production of The Mousetrap at Shanklin Theatre. This top professional company, which includes several who have played in the West End production, has brought top quality acting to Shanklin Theatre. There was a real interval buzz in the theatre. This is always a sign of a show being enjoyed. Thankfully, there was a large audience and as word spreads more and more will want to go and see it. The complete cast were in great form. I must mention our own Oliver Gully who was quite brilliant as Christopher Wren, a character you would not wish to spend too much time with.
Who done it? I had seen it on honeymoon back in 1963 in the West End. I had a vague memory – and I was on the right track. Enough said.
I was disappointed to have had an interview with one of the Shanklin cast cancelled by the PR company in London. I had personally agreed with the actor to see him but we were both told it could not happen. This has never happened before in my 44 years of interviewing. I told him it was easier to get interviews with Charlton Heston and John Mills than him. I appreciate it was not his fault.
I was interviewed on Wednesday by a feature writer from the national newspaper, The Weekly News, re my new book. There is a possibility two BBC Radio local radio stations will also talk to me on air. Still not been asked by any of several local Isle of Wight radio stations.
Went to Bembridge on Thursday night to see the Bembridge Little Theatre’s production of The Weekend. It was so nice to get an invitation. The play is by Michael Palin and some of his humour is somewhat an acquired taste. There were some delightful moments of fun and I was so impressed with the debut of Jane Howard. It may not become a comedy classic. As ever, this theatre club were so hospitable.