Spent time early in the week planning ideas to promote more sales for the new book. There is now talk of an article in a national weekly magazine. Farnsworth’s in Nodehill, Newport, are selling the book well and have asked for more copies. More outlets seem to be interested and Nighs of Shanklin, the distributors, are doing a good job.
We went to the Apollo Newport, on Thursday night to see the Red Tie production of Beautiful Thing – and it was well worth the visit. An excellent cast of Carl Burch, Imogen Evans, Helen Reading, Adam Richardson and Matt Coles did this modern play great justice. Director Steve Reading can also take a lot of the credit.
Friday was not a good day. I went to the funeral of my good friend Martyn Bull, which was such a shock to so many of us. Martyn, who worked with us at Isle of Wight Radio for many years, was only just 60. Always fun to be with and one of the most genuine people you could ever choose to meet. It was standing room only at the Crem and there were moving tributes from Martyn’s brother, Ian Mac, a close friend, and Charlie Brook, a former IW Radio broadcaster now a star on QVC. ‘Bully’ was loved by so many people and was such a great family man. His final music choice was Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. He would have loved the fact it was not the cleaned up radio edit version that was played.