Monday was spent trying to sort out the pre-publication details around the book. The writing of the book is the easy part. Now comes the task of contacting various people that will be involved in the eventual end product. Things are quickly progressing well and I have had a good response from people I greatly respect. I have had three ideas for the cover -and good they are, too. It will soon be make up my mind time.
I had an early shock on Tuesday morning when I checked out the train times from Portsmouth to Chichester. There were none on that day as Southern were on strike. Thankfully, the 700 bus from Pompey Hard got me to the Festival Theatre and back. I was not going to miss the opportunity to interview one of my favourite actors, PHIL DAVIS, currently appearing at the Minerva Theatre in First Light. He was again in fine form as he had been when we first met six years ago in Chichester. Listen out for him soon on John Hannam Meets, which is now worldwide via podcasts.
On Friday we went to the 98th birthday of Newport’s NEIL SHUTLER – Shutty to so many of us. A lovely time was enjoyed by all at the Carisbrooke Priory. He was in his element surrounded by so many of his old Newport cricket pals. They have so many stories of which many will remain secret. It’s always such a pleasure to meet so many of Neil’s large family. Our first visit to The Priory and we are going back. Beautiful garden, too. Their tea room is open to the public on several days a week.