Much of the early part of the week was preparing for Josh Barry’s big night at the Gurnard Pines. It was the launch of his amazing documentary, Following The Money. I was hosting the 3 hour show and there was quite a lot to sort out. Changes were being made until the day before but it all worked out well in the end. There were live panel chats and interviews, great cuts from his documentary and a couple of videos, including one remarkable one featuring Josh himself. He was expected to die soon after his birth but he survived and despite his cerebral palsy has lived a wonderful and very normal life, as far as possible. The whole evening was a joy to behold and all of the full house must have shed a private tear. Some guests from the entertainment world came from the mainland to be a part of it. An unforgettable night and one of the highlights of my exciting life. Everyone present was so proud of Josh Barry. He said to me a few minutes before the show: “You are my main man. It all depends on you.” No pressure then!! He also referred to me, several times, as the Island’s Michael Parkinson. I did get my own back – and Josh loves fun. It was all well worth the hard work and I made a few new friends and met a few old ones. I didn’t go to the post-show party at East Cowes, which began around midnight. They would have all been still asleep when I went for my usual Saturday morning run.