WC October 12.
What a great week. I actually completed 13 interviews in 11 days which is a record. Seven were obtained this week. Some are still top secret but will be announced soon.
Monday would have been my 52nd wedding anniversary. The day was perfect just like it had been all those years earlier. I wanted to do something different and ended up at the old Needles rocket site and did a great interview with a guy who worked there. Fascinating story.
On Wednesday I fulfilled my ambition to interview ANNE DIAMOND. I went up to Radio Berkshire to talk to her and met my good young friend Chris Browning who produced my radio show for many years. He’s doing so well and Anne thinks the world of him.
On Friday I interviewed the south coast’s most popular TV presenter – and not for the first time. Great fun was enjoyed by both parties and I can barely wait to play it on John Hannam Meets. There will be surprises. Later in the day I went on the Chichester to interview two of my favourite actors currently appearing in the Young Chekov season, LUCY BRIERS, the daughter of the late Richard Briers, and DES McALEER. They were both in great form.
The following afternoon I popped over to The Nuffield, Southampton, to see The Glass Menagerie and interview one of the stars – BELINDA LANG. It was a week to remember.