Caught up with comedian and TV presenter Paul Boardman on Tuesday night at Warner’s, Bembridge. Brilliantly funny and many gags I had never heard before – and nothing blue. He has different acts for his various venues that include top comedy clubs and holiday centres. Many came up to congratulate him after his act. We did an interview after the show which can be heard soon on John Hannam Meets.
Also popped in to see Mike Greenwood on Tuesday, recently on JH Meets and featured in the John Hannam Interview in The Beacon. I recorded an interview for JH Meets on Sunday June 21 about him teaching in Nepal orphanages.
It has been a sad week with the death of Phil Selby. Such a nice guy and a very good stage performer who passed his experience on to young people, which I know they appreciated. I enjoyed so many of his shows in the West Wight and was delighted to give him the Best Dame trophy in the IW Amateur Theatre Awards on one occasion. Many years ago he helped me obtain interviews at the Savoy Country Club, where he was the boss, and always found me a nice room to record them in. Some that spring to mind include Matt Monro, Marty Wilde, Chas ‘n’ Dave and Leslie Thomas. He will be greatly missed.
On Saturday afternoon I attended the Cowes AODS’s production of Wind in the Willows and thoroughly enjoyed it, particularly the second half. It was such a good mixture of experienced and younger performers. One of their best productions of late. Later in the day I caught up with two wonderful old friends – Graham and Rose Daish, who were back on the Island to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. I plan to see them again shortly. They are such great company.