WC May 4.
Probably the worst Bank Holiday I had spent for years. The only person I spoke to all day was in Farnsworth’s Newsagents in Newport. There were no shows, no interviews and a troublesome knee meant I could not even go for a run. I ended up working all day on future radio shows. Enjoyable – but I’m a people person. It was home alone all day.
Tuesday night proved a quick tonic. I went to the Mayflower, Southampton, to see a sizzling new production of Oklahoma, which included the very talented Gary Wilmot. The audience loved it and many stood at the end. A feast of great entertainment. Earlier in the day I had confirmation of an interview in Kingston, which I am excited about. I have known this comedian for 36 years.
Had a most enjoyable Saturday night at the Wootton Community Club watching the Ventnor Theatre Group’s production of Flashback, a show featuring various West End musicals. Not a new idea but one of the better amateur shows I have seen with some very talented local performers. A good pace, some excellent production ideas and so well dressed. It’s touring the Island. Well worth a visit.