Kikkar Park is the centre of attraction in Sector 50. Around 20 years ago, the land here was lined with Kikkar trees. While most of them were felled to build flats, a small patch was left untouched. If you set on teaching in Ontario know that seniority is based on the board, if you change boards you start over as a general rule, and there are minimum times you have to be with a board to apply for positions according to union rule, not following those rules can mean never teaching in the province again. The unions for secondary and elementary teachers are separate and I not sure how the elementary one works. My wife is from Windsor, a smaller city in the south west of the pronvince, and with only a few hundred thousand people in the city she was probably looking at one day a week of week if the supply list opened that year, it doesn open every year, and about ten to twelve years before she get her own class, by moving to England she got a class right away, the first school here was terrible, her current school is really nice.
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