WC Sept 22.
The week had a perfect start with my visit to London to interview genial Irish duo Foster and Allen, who have sold 22 million albums during their career. They are such great fun and, once again, it proved a very successful interview. I love chatting to Irish people, as they have such great accents and strong personalities. I love their new album – Gold and Silver Days. They will soon be on John Hannam Meets.
On Tuesday evening I spoke at the Ryde Rotary Club and enjoyed a great evening and met some long term friends, including the wonderful Wally Edwards. It was at Yelf’s Hotel – and the food was excellent and the company delightful.
I interviewed an amazing 86 year old on Wednesday who had vivid Island memories of the Second World War. He’s been playing music for over 70 years and actually played on VE Day. He will be in The Beacon and on John Hannam Meets. All will be revealed soon. Earlier in the day I interviewed the Island’s newest author – a guy called DJ PRIDDLE. His face did seem familiar to me. All will be revealed on John Hannam Meets on Sunday October 5.
Met some bird watching friends in the tall hide at Newtown Creek on Friday afternoon. It was our fourth visit and the company has been such a delight – and for me a nice relaxing hour with no talk of interviews. Even I like the odd hour off. They gave Bertie, my girlfriend, and myself two presents because they liked us and the fun we’d had. So unexpected and a lovely thought. To cap it all we sat and watched a kingfisher for at least 20 minutes.
Picked up a great interview scoop on Saturday morning, in Ryde, which led to a second one. How exciting! All will become clear shortly.
Saw the South Wight Youth Theatre’s production of West Side Story at the Medina Theatre on Saturday night. Several really enjoyable moments, within a sad story, and several outstanding performances – and one in particular.