I picked up a great story on Monday afternoon in East Cowes which has to remain a little secret at present. In a few weeks time this will appear in the County Press and on Isle of Wight Radio – and there is a happy ending. It does involve rock music and an old Island venue.
I travelled down to Dorset on Tuesday to meet one of the Island’s most notorious coppers of all time – David Gurd. I took a bus in case he nicked me for speeding. You can read all about him in the September Beacon and later on John Hannam Meets.
On Saturday afternoon I went to a party in Seaview to celebrate the Ruby Wedding of local musician Barry Millership and his lovely wife Lesley. Met a few old friends and, as ever, picked up a few ideas for interviews.
Ended the week with a Sunday night visit to see The Gondoliers at Shanklin Theatre. One of the finest Savoyards productions I have ever seen – and so many talented young people.