On Sunday night I was one of the lucky ones who managed to see the longest theatre show the Island has ever seen. It started at the Shanklin Theatre at 7-05pm and finished at 12-05 the next morning. Just the full 5 hours – and, of course, it was KEN DODD. It was an experience just to be there to see the 86 year old comedy legend. What stamina and energy!
On Monday afternoon I had a super time at the Carisbrooke WI. They seemed to like my Chatting Up The Stars routine and they asked some good questions and gave me memories from their lives over a cup of coffee.
Caught up with my old friend IAN HENDERSON, once of Radio Solent and BBC SOUTH, who was born in Ryde, on Tuesday morning to talk about his career and his fascinating new book. Listen out for him soon on John Hannam Meets with a very revealing interview.
Headed up to London on Wednesday to interview the brilliant RED SKY JULY, who have a new album on release. They were all in sparking form. Shelly was once a part of Alisha’s Attic and Ally has been in Texas since day one. Charity was also in a band with Dave Rowntree from Blur. Lovely people
Popped up to Brian Morey’s farm on Thursday to pre-record a radio interview, to follow up the story on him in the August Beacon. I could not believe how good he was – and some great stories, with few bleeps.
Saw All My Sons on Saturday night at the Trinity Theatre, Cowes. It just got better and better and Michael Arnell did a superb job as a late replacement for the lead role.