That means not just more TV coverage but TV coverage that’s more attuned to the interests of an internet savvy audience.Where once complaints about sub standard TV coverage were limited to the home, the pub and the workplace, viewers can now express their dissatisfaction with inaccurate data, ill informed punditry and alleged bias through widely shared tweets which are difficult for broadcasters to ignore.Over the last few years Sky’s SPFL coverage has received a kicking online, which has led to a dedicated “SPFL Matters” show, the addition of highly regarded presenter Hayley McQueen and an increasingly prominent role for Kris Boyd’s hair.It’s still early days and fans will only be fully convinced when Sky realise Dundee and Dundee United are actually two separate football clubs and stop confusing their badges. It’s their rivals BT who have best understood and benefited from social media. Pundits Chris Sutton and Michael Stewart are high profile, outspoken presences on Twitter, regularly engaging in debate with fans.
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