WC June 9
I went to Bournemouth on Wednesday to talk to the North Bournemouth Probus group of both men and women. They seemed to like my Chatting Up The Stars talk and then we had a great lunch at the Mayfair Hotel, where the owner and staff were very helpful.
The following night I went to the Apollo to see an exciting new play, performed by the Island’s Original Theatre company. The author, David Weir, was actually in the audience. There must be great potential for this play.
During the week I also interviewed Margaret and Peter Butler for my July Beacon Sport Personality.
I will savour Saturday night for some considerable time. I saw Marty Wilde give a brilliant performance at Warner’s, Bembridge. We go back some way and it was such a pleasure to go to his room and chat for an hour, as old friends, and not a microphone in sight. He’s a true legend – and he made a great suggestion for a future JH book – and he wants to write the foreword. It’s just the time I need.