I went to Newport on Monday to re-interview the first guest I ever had on IW Radio’s John Hannam Meets, back in April 1990. Bernie Cullen will be featured on my first show in my 25th year of the show. There will also be an archive of that very first broadcast, which was on a Saturday night.
On Wednesday, sadly, I went to my third funeral in 10 days. This one, at the Newport Minster, was for Dave Bulpit, known as Rockin’ Dave. I had known Dave for many years and enjoyed a few visits to the home of Dave and his lovely wife Shirley. I went to quite a few of their rock ‘n’ roll nights. Great turn out and a lovely send-off to an extremely nice guy. I loved some of the Teddy Boy fashions worn by some of the congregation.
Thursday was a rather special day – as my girlfriend Bertie and myself enjoyed tea and chocolates with great actor Celia Imrie at her Cowes home. This was to interview her for a forthcoming JH Meets to help celebrate entering my 25th non-stop year of John Hannam Meets.
Saw one of the best shows I have seen on the Island in recent years on Friday night when I visited Shanklin Theatre to see the Savoyards production of Sister Act. There was a full house and some wonderful performances from the huge cast. This pro-am show had a clever mix of both professionals and talented amateur performers. It would not have been out of place on a nationwide tour. For my money. there was only one disappointing performance from the principals.