WC Jan 20
I was at home with Karen Eeles on Monday morning and it was well worth the visit. I came away with a fascinating interview that I know it will interest a lot of people – and she was very frank. It is being aired on Sunday January 26. Great to meet her husband for the first time.
Went to Someset on Thursday to the home of Britain’s most-married man – Ron Sheppard, who lived on the Island for many years. His book, The Lord of the Wedding Rings, is being published on February 1. It’s quite a read and Ron has really opened up on the details of his life. Weng, his 8th wife, is so lovely and they made us so welcome. At the moment they are getting worldwide publicity for the book and Ron’s story. It’s been in the national papers and they have been on major TV and radio shows, with lots more to come. They are on John Hannam Meets on Sunday February 2.
One or two great local stories are coming in and I am following them up very quickly – both for the radio and County Press.
On Saturday night I went to St Lawrence to see the St Lawrence Players Aladdin. It proved an enjoyable evening for a very sparse audience and we had to join in to create some atmosphere. Seeing Bill King as Abanazar was worth the visit. He was so well suited to the part!! He was very loud, too. It was a pleasure for us to all boo him.