WC October 27
Went to the Mayflower, Southampton, on Wednesday night to see Ghost, the stage musical based on the movie – and the audience were so excited and receptive. I did enjoy the touring version, particularly the second half, but not quite as much as the West End production I had seen in London around two years ago. In this one, Sharon D Clarke virtually stole the show with her amazing perforamnce as Oda Mae Brown. Rebecca Trehearn, who I had seen in the West End playing the lead of Molly, is in great form recreating the role for the touring version. The place was packed – and what an atmosphere!
What a real plesure the next day to meet Lisa Traxler in the exhibition studio at Quarr Abbey, one of my favourite places on the Island. She has an exhibition until November 5 – and what a talented lady. Lisa and her husband, Lincoln, were featured in a very popular show in the Grand Designs TV series, filmed at their amazing Binstead home. This has been seen all over the world. It is the only time I have ever watched the show. I’m normally not into cooking or house programmes. I have invited Lisa and Lincoln on to my radio chat show – and I am hopeful they will join me soon on the programme.
I went to the Apollo, Newport, on Thursday night to see Really Old like 45 – and it was a fascinating evening. I left so impressed with the acting of Glenys Williams, who played the part of Lyn, who was suffering from dementia. To all of us in the audience, which was sadly not too many, she really had the disease, which was a tribute to her wonderful acting. Just a word about young Joni Mansell, who almost stole the show without speaking a word. What an impact she made as Mimi the robot. When I get even older – I must book her up!!
There is nothing worse than taking a near five hour round trip to undertake an interview – and come back with nothing. This happened on Friday when I went to Bournemouth to interview two of the original Stylistics, whom I had last seen at Warners, Puckpool Park, in 1987. The PR lady, as ever, had worked it all out so professionally and the interviews were set for 5-30pm at the Royal Bath Hotel. There was only one small problem – at the given time there were no singers available to interview. Apparently, they had encountered a few problems during the day and were not in the hotel at the time suggested. Ironically, I had arrived 45 minutes early in case they had wanted to bring it forward. A quick phone call by the tour manager revealed that one could see me, at the nearby theatre, at 8pm. Not too clever with the support act, the Real Thing, being loud enough to spoil any interview. Also, with less ferries now, it would not have been that easy to get back to the Island. There was one happy person. My girlfriend came with me, as it was my day off, to go around the shops whilst I was interviewing. She is a shop-a-holic and came back to the hotel smiling – having made one or two purchases. I felt sorry for Michael, their tour manager. He had to make the excuses and say they were not available. He could not have done anymore. I was not happy – but didn’t show it. I had wasted nearly five hours on my day off for nothing. With no wages or expenses paid these days, it had cost me quite a lot of money for nothing. En route home my girlfriend, Bertie, told me she had bought something for me. It is, apparently, a shirt I will love – but it is for my birthday next February. I did not play my vinyl Stylistics album when I arrived home. It has gone back in the cupboard.