Life is being made difficult in certain places at the moment and I am trying to weather the storm and carry on. Things might just come to a head soon – but, hopefully, not.
With the nominations for the IW Amateur Theatre Awards now published, I am now working towards the Awards Celebration Night at the Shanklin Theatre on Tuesday November 19. This means a lot of hard work and bold decisions but is most enjoyable.
Had a most enjoyable night on Thursday with the IW Austin Group at the Arreton Community Centre. Met some old friends and made a few new ones. Loved the evening and the hospitality. Thankfully, they also seemed to like my talk. It was just a pity the road closure nearby had not been better organised in the respect of letting drivers know a lot sooner. Many members were caught out, including yours truly. Thankfully, I was not the last to arrive.
Saw a show for the 2013/14 IW Amateur Awards this week and it gave me an idea for a new award – Best Prompt!!!