What an exciting Monday!. I headed for London’s Wise Buddah studio for a 1-30 interview with the former front man and songwriter of East 17, TONY MORTIMER. It was the second time we had met and he’s a great guy. He gave me a brilliant interview and the chance to talk about his life in music and the release of his first solo album, Songs from the Suitcase.
Then I headed off to Twickenham to interview ace inventor TREVOR BAYLIS – who lives on Eel Pie Island, so famous for jazz and pop groups in the 50s and early 60s. What a wonderful house – and a real horder. He throws nothing away. Trevor was a champion swimmer, stunt man, circus performer and the guy who invented the wind-up radio. He’s been seen on TV so many times and was the subject of This Is Your Life. What a story!! He was also abused by a Church of England curate when he was just five years old. It’s all revealed in his forthcoming interview for John Hannam Meets. Trevor is coming to the Island on July 12, to appear at a Riverside charity evening organised by the Phoenix Group, who help children with learning difficulties.
Went to Seaview on Tuesday morning to interview HILARY HALL, who is soon to close the local dancing school she has run since 1980. She was in fine form and I did have a real surprise for her at the end of the interview. She is on John Hannam Meets on Sunday June 23, with Dennis Locorriere, the voice of Dr Hook.