Had a great trip on Monday to London to meet up with three people connected with the new Lennon Bermuda album, which is a very exciting project and it includes a 120 page book in a special edition. The CD features all John Lennon songs sung by other artists – including some who knew him well, others he met in Bermuda and some of the Island’s very own talent. It’s a very exciting album and features John’s music in a variety of styles. TONY BRANNON, the executive producer, JUDIE TZUKE, who is on the album, and drummer ANDY NEWMARK who is also on the album and he was Lennon’s drummer on his very last two albums, Milk and Honey and Double Fantasy. The latter was inspired by John’s visit to Bermuda. Tony, Judie and Andy will soon be appearing on John Hannam Meets.
Went to see JULIAN CLARY at Shanklin Theatre on Friday night and it really was an occasion to remember. A huge and receptive crowd turned out to watch him and in the second half, which included so much entertaining audience participatiion, he chose just the right guys to join him on stage. His marriage to an Island fireman was a gem and I loved his stories from the CP.
I enjoyed a quick couple of chats with him at the theatre. He had given me a great interview earlier this year in Southampton.
It was quite flattering but a little embarrassing on Sunday to be mentioned in a tweet by Dani Harmer, to her 100,000 followers. She was on JH Meets – and what a lovely young lady. I’m looking forward to The Rocky Horror Show at the Mayflower.