I finally managed to get to Ludlow to interview John Challis – who has made Boycie such a household name. Late last year I failed in my attempt which corresponded with all the West Country floods and the train could not get into Wales under the Severn Bridge. I was defeated after a 9 hour round journey. This time on Tuesday I made the successful 12 hour round journey – and enjoyed some stunning views of the Welsh countryside from a most enjoyable railway trip. John was in great from, too. All will be revealed soon.
I had a wonderful evening at the Osborne Golf Club on Friday night – despite getting lost en route to the clubhouse. Thanks to a friendly security man, inside Osborne House, we made it. Great company, excellent food and such warm hospitality. They seemed to like my two spots, with a meal in between, and I was so thrilled that the collection for my main charity, the St Mary’s Breast Care Nurses Unit, raised £141. Met many old friends – and a good time was had by all.
I have also survived another birthday – and I will leave it there.