Such a busy week and even keeping up with this blog has been a problem. Mainly shows to attend and interviews to record. Went to Fareham on Tuesday to see Cinderella at the Ferneham Hall – and came away very impressed with the show but not the scenery. Two brilliant Ugly Sisters, Richard Pocock and Mark Siney, and an exceptional Buttons, Ben Redfern. Starring is the legendary Anne Charleston, who became the most famous Madge in the world, via Neighbours. It was a pleasure to interview her.
My last pre-Christmas pantomime was on Saturday night at the Mayflower, Southampton. I see up to 20 every year and this Jack and the Beanstalk is the best pantomime I have ever seen. It is traditional, but thankfully, no thigh slapping or girls as principal boy. That now causes sneers from today’s youngsters. If you have never seen a pantomime make this your first. The whole cast are there because they have talent and have not just been booked for novelty value. Julian Clary is remarkable as the Spirit of the Beans, and has so much charisma. A true star. Nigel Havers is the best baddie you could ever see and Lee Mead does sing that song – and some other gems. The 3D scenes are remarkable and bring out the screams. There won’t be a better pantomime in Britain this Christmas.
Managed to find Broad Chalke, a tucked away village near Salisbury, to catch up with the latest Forest Forge production. They take quality professional shows into rural communities. Sadly, they do not come to the Island anymore – but this might change next year. Another brilliant show and the four actors play 20 parts between them.
Saw Chris Gee, a comedy impressionist, die a death on stage at Warner’s, Yarmouth. It was at their special party night for local people and organisations. It was not his kind of audience – and I felt so sorry for him, as he tried everthing to get them on his side. I would love to see him entertain an audience more suited to his type of act. The band were ok – but not a patch on many I have seen at Norton Grange over the past 30 years. Enjoyed the meal and the company.