WC OCT 28.
Had a great trip to London on Monday to interview The Soldiers, who have another new album. These actual serving soldiers are great company and they raise such a lot for charity. Their first three albums have all been high in the charts. They will form a part of my Rememberance Sunday radio show. I also popped over to Pimlico to see my old friend Craig Douglas, who is heading to the Island for a live Wednesday night John Hannam Meets live on stage at Shanklin Theatre. He will be joined by Amy Bird. It forms part of a celebration night for the theatre.
I enjoyed my Wednesday night visit to Garfield Road, Ryde, to entertain the Ryde Methodist Wives and Friends Group. What a lovely and lively crowd. Two nights later I had another great evening at the new Wootton Methodist Church Hall and it was a sell-out supper event with yours truly during a brand new talk for the first time. Met some old friends and made a few new ones. Lovely meal, too.
It was a busy Saturday, too. Up at the crack of dawn to edit an interview, then a run in Brighstone Forest and beyond, a matinee of The Wizard of Oz at Shankin Theatre in the afternoon and an evening comedy in Newchurch, which was a riot of fun. This one might just be the last show I will cover for the Island Amateur Theatre Awards. The signs of a successful box-office night at Shanklin Theatre on Tuesday are not looking good. This year we are self-funding for the very first time and need numbers to continue the event.