It was off to London on Monday to interview my old friend Daniel O’Donnell – and he surprised me by wearing pink. You can see a picture of this on the IW Radio website on the John Hannam Meets page. His interview will be aired on Sunday October 28. I dashed back and just made the opeing night of the Mayflower’s Great Expectations. I had seen this brilliant show in Malvern just a week or two ago. I nipped backstage to have a quick word with two of the stars who recently appeared on JH Meets – Jack Ellis and Chris Ellison.
Just had confirmation that I will be going to Covent Garden in November to interview a Sir – from within the entertainemnt industry. He did make an Island appearance back in 1985 – and was a huge hit at Newport’s Community Theatre.
Plans are now well in hand for the 14th Island Amateur Theatre Awards. It’s an exciting new format at the Shanklin Theatre on Tuesday November 6 and it is niow concerned that there will be 7 songs from shows, from various Island amateur groups, during the evening – and a surprise cabaret. The event is now open to the public at £10 per ticket and these can be purchased at Shanklin Theatre