Chris Cox, our own Crisco, has just returned from an amazing trip to Kenya where he entertained 10,000 orphans. It’s an amazing story and he will be on JH meets on Sunday October 7 to talk about it. I am also doing a feature for the IW County Press. This is probably the best intervierw I have ever done with Chris – and he is in great form.
We had a great trip to Malvern in Worcs to meet and interview stars from the brilliant new touring production of Great Expectations. It was certainly hairy driving on the M27, M4 and M5 in such poor weather – you could hardly see a thing. I interviewed Jack Ellis – most famous for playing Jim Fenner in Bad Girls – before the show and he was such a great guy to talk to. I then saw this stunning show, which come to the Mayflower, Southampton, from October 22 for a week. I can’t wait to go again. After the show I met Chris Ellison, who played Burnside in The Bill for many years. He is another extremely nice guy and he, like Jack, will soon be on JH Meets. Paula Wilcox is also in the show.
Delighted to say a few famous guests are being offered for JH Meets. All will be revealed soon.
I have had an unwanted problem this week. The sponsor who was going to provide the trophies for the IW Amateur Theatre Awards has pulled out at the last minute – with only just over a month to go. I keep saying to myself – do I want all this hassle? There is a lot of hard work involved with this year-long project and now there is even more. At least – no more of my hair can fall out.
The week finished so well with an interivew with Tony Adams (Dr Neville Bywaters in General Hospital and Adam Chance in Crossroads) at the Connaught Theastre, Worthing. He was in fine form and I enjoyed watching the play he is currently touring in, Dead Ringer. Tony is one of the nicest and most genuine people I have ever met in showbiz.