Went to see Joe Pasquale at Shanklin Theatre on Monday night and there was a huge crowd for his show – and he was in sparkling form, much to the delight of the audience. Unfortunately, very few liked the support act and at 45 minutes it was far to long. A few made this point after the show and in the interval.
Recently Joe introduced me to a brand new album by Joe Stilgoe – and he plays it all the time in his car. During his recent interview with me in Cheltenham, Joe requested a track from Joe Stilgoe’s new album. On Monday night Joe was so envious when I told him I was off to London the next morning to interview Joe Stilgoe. Joe S was aware that Joe P was a fan and we dreamed up a funny idea for our London interview and Joe Pasquale will have a real surprise. We recorded our chat in Chiswick in the old Island Records Studio property, where Bob Marley recorded a lot of his tracks.
I have known Elkie Brooks as a friend for many years but had never interviewed her on the Island. Previously it had been in places like Basingstoke, Dartford, the New Forest, Salisbury and Wimbledon. During her recent visit we met at the Fountain Hotel, Cowes, and Elkie rates it our best-ever interview. Listen out for it in a few weeks time on John Hannam Meets. Her new book, Finding My Voice, is a brilliant read.
I don’t appear to have another John Hannam Meets interview for five weeks, which is a little worrying. Just as well I still have nine in the can from my recent period when I had 14 interviews in 13 days. Sadly, a lot of potential guests are not replying to requests for interviews.