Had a brilliant Tuesday. I went up to London to meet my daughter Caroline and we went to an extra matinee of a brilliant West End show, Ghost, at the Piccadilly Theatre. Rebecca Trehearn, one of the understudies played the lead, Molly, and was quite brilliant. She got a deserved ovation at the end of her stunning performance. Mark Evans, as Sam, was also in superb from and what a great voice! Sharon D Clarke, as Oda Mae, stole the show for me. I am hoping to interview her in the coming months.
After a quick meal we headed to Mayfair to attend the Elkie Brooks book launch. This was at the Dover Stree Jazz Restaurant and a few celebs were there, including Maureen Lipman and Leee John from Imagination, who gave me his latest album. Elkie sang four stunning songs. She is soon on JH Meets – and at the Cowes Yacht Marina on Thursday August 9. It’s a brilliant book – and I am flattered to get a mention.
I managed to finally catch up with the fifth member of Island 60s band The Shamrocks, who found great success in Germany, where they made an album and did TV appearances. Before going they did support the Tolling Stones, with the Cherokees, at Ryde Pavilion in 1963. In past years I had interviewed Peter Channing, Dave Eaglen, Bern Roberts and Barry Millership. This week I managed to catch up with Gary Cowtan, the band’s former singer, who flew back to Germany the next day. He gave me a fascinating interview and is also supplying some of his more recent recordings and songs.