The week started off well with the confirmation of my interview in London with great 80s duo Hue and Cry, who have a brand new album on release. I am thrilled to say this will be their third time on JH Meets.
Looking back, I’m now glad it rained on Monday. My girlfriend and myself were off to Poole, a regular Bank Holiday haunt, but decided not to go, due to the weather and the train hold ups, which I had encountered on my trip to London on Easter Saturday. My daughter phoned from Newcastle to say that Ramin was currently on Channel 5, playing the Phantom in the Albert Hall’s 25th Avviversary Show. We were glued to the station for the rest of the afternoon and he gave a stunning performance and brought a tear to my eyes. I feel honoured that he is on my radio show this coming Sunday. I was so impressed with the TV show I only checked the latest football scores in the ad breaks.
Enjoyed a visit to the Newchurch Drama Group on Thursday night and saw, in one of their two act plays, one of the funniest things I had seen on the Island for some time. One lady, in particular, brought the house down with some great fun. There is always the unexpected surprise at many a village show. This was no exception.
I was so thrilled we had a full house at the Apollo Theatre for our Melvyn Hayes night. Hopefully we raised around £800 for our two local charities. Melvyn was nervous, as it was a new kind of show for him, but he was just wonderful and people loved his mix of stand-up comedy, stories about his life, film clips, and being interviewed by yours truly.I was happy to be a small part of such a successful evening.
I was up at the crack of dawn the following morning to head to London for my interview with Hue and Cry. On the way home, I had one of my favourite actors ring to say he is up for an interview next week. It was not a bad day – I won £10 on the lottery – but have made no plans to retire!!!